On Intersex Awareness Day we award “the Darling” in recognition of outstanding intersex allyship. Allyship[…]
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Affirmative healthcare pathways launch
What are the healthcare needs and pathways for people with intersex variations? The Intersex Health & Wellbeing resources work together to visually map established health care needs and highlight potential gaps in services.
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What is intersex?
What is intersex? More than just understanding what is intersex and the textbook definition, consider asking who are intersex people and what are their experiences.
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YOUth&I Issue 2 – Submission guidelines
Issue 2 中文版 | русский | Français | Español | Polskie We are delighted to[…]
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Darlington Statement
This is a joint consensus statement or charter by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, in March 2017. It sets out the priorities and calls by the intersex human rights movement in our countries, under six headings: a preamble, human rights and legal reform; health and wellbeing; peer support; allies; and education, awareness and employment.
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Affirm the Darlington Statement
Sign on to affirm the Darlington Statement as an individual or ally organisation.
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